What is a Value Stream?

What is a Value Stream?

“A Value Stream is the sum of all the activities necessary to create, order and produce a product or service.” A Value Stream begins and ends with the Customer. The starting point of the Value Stream is when the customer makes a purchase or submits a...
What are ERP Systems?

What are ERP Systems?

Are you struggling within your organisation to scale your processes? Is your business overly reliant on excel spreadsheets that only certain people within your organisation know how to read and edit? Is your team heavily reliant on emails and phone calls to move...
What Makes a Good Problem Statement?

What Makes a Good Problem Statement?

To answer this question, we must first understand why it’s important. Human experience, learning and wisdom have provided us with an understanding of why it is essential. In reality, we can be slow to recognize problems, this can be due to a number of factors:...