Product Development Process | LBSPartners

Product Development Process

Take Control of Your Future

The emphasis has moved to the performance of small teams collaborating and self-managing their work. Lean Product Development & Agile Methods are a special implementation of a lean transformation that leverages the whole organisation to bring value to the customer. The principles of a lean product development process include:

  1. Clearly define customer value.
  2. Explore all alternative solutions early on.
  3. Create a development process that loads all steps of the process evenly.
  4. Use standardisation to reduce variation and increase predictability.
  5. Appoint a ‘chief engineer’ with end-to-end ownership
  6. Ensure that inter-departmental integration and functional expertise are balanced.
  7. Relentlessly pursue technical competence.
  8. Integrate suppliers into the development system.
  9. Build problem-solving and relentless improvement into the process.
  10. Ensure technologies adapt to your people and process
  11. Align the organisation with simple visual communication.
  12. Emphasise standardisation and organisational learning.

Contact us today to talk about your business can be more efficient, effective, and collaborative.

These 12 principles are a refinement of our five core dimensions of a lean transformation that emphasise the longer-term development of people and processes to deliver real customer value and great customer experience.