Gerry Shaw | LBSPartners

Gerry Shaw – Lead Consultant

A highly-qualified and experienced business advisor, Gerry is at his best when working in a fast-paced environment, including Small to Medium Enterprises, Corporates, Public Private Partnerships and Not for Profits.

A keen Agile/Lean practitioner who possesses a deep knowledge and skill in continuous improvement methodologies, Gerry provides LBS clients with a experience and expertise honed from over 30 years’ experience with a focus on the software and IT sectors. With a proven ability to lead and train, Gerry works with clients to enhance their capabilities and rethink their processes, with a particular focus on continuous improvement and problem solving.

Keeping up to date with the current learning in Management and Operation, Gerry is also a visiting lecturer having worked with Trinity College Dublin and Dundalk Institute of Technology.

 Areas of Expertise

  • Invited to guest lecture at Trinity College on the Operations Module for BA students.
  • Mentored a high-potential start-up on behalf of Enterprise Ireland.
  • Managing 8 million annual budget and 100+ staff in Technical Services, Information and Communication Technology, Property, Sports Centre, Transport, Catering, Laundry, Household, Library and Freedom of Information / Data Protection.
  • Receiving ISL (Irish Sign Language) Level 3 and Level 4 certification


  • MBS in Safety Health and Welfare at Work – Dublin City University

  • M.Sc. in Physics (Sensors) – By Research. – Dublin City University

  • B.Sc. (Hons) in Applied Physics with Electronics. – Dublin City University

  • Certificate in Training and Continuing Education – NUI Maynooth